Friday, January 25, 2008

Car vs. Deer

So, I guess it could be worse (actually I know it could be worse). But I am still really sad. Just look at my lovely blue minivan with the missing eyeball. It is hard to see, but the hood is also cracked and not exactly down the way it should be. This is the price I pay for no rust...fiberglass that is pretty much unfixable without a really expensive trip to the body shop and those of you who know my husband, know that isn't going to happen.

And close up you can even see little bits of deer hair where a lovely working headlight and turn signal light used to be.

I am very thankful that no one was hurt. Paul was driving 3 of our kids and one neighbor kid home from church (try not to take the wrong lesson from that) and in an instant it happened.

Oh, and if you are wondering who won, the deer or the car...the deer is now hanging in our garage and will become many meals in the future.

(Yes, he did get a permit to bring home a dead deer)


Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't hear about that! I'm glad no one was hurt.

(at least it wasn't a school bus...;] )

Deanna said...

Hmmm, it appears your van needs a shave.